Motor Truck Cargo

The product pages provide a brief overview of the many different types of accounts we can help you place. If you have questions regarding a particular risk or program, please feel free to call us at (800) 648-0357 and we will be glad to help.

Motor Truck Cargo

This program can offer motor truck cargo coverages trucking for hire industry. We can consider all weight classes– emphasis on Tractor/Trailer, Dry & Refrigerated Goods, Bulk Commodity Haulers, Intermodal, Garbage/Waste Haulers, Agricultural including Livestock, Flat Bed – Construction Goods/Equipment.


$100,000 - $250,000 Limits available

Trailer Interchange

Deductibles $1000-5000

Underwriting Guidelines

Important underwriting points are:

Please use our Motor Carrier Physical Damage and Cargo application.

Local, Intermediate, Regional, Nationwide

Small (1-20) and large fleet (20+)

All new drivers must be reported to and approved by us, prior to hire

New ventures OK with experience

Program will consider Standard, Preferred and Non-Standard Risk Types

International (MX) driver licenses acceptable

Be prepared to furnish loss runs


Extra hazardous commodities such as ammonia nitrate, fuel, hazardous chemicals, liquid asphalt

Coal haulers

Mobile home/House movers

Crushed autos, junk, salvage haulers

Logging operations


Any risk with power units over 30 years in age (except for local 100 mile radius)

Public Auto/Livery


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