The product pages provide a brief overview of the many different types of accounts we can help you place. If you have questions regarding a particular risk or program, please feel free to call us at (800) 648-0357 and we will be glad to help.
This program can offer motor truck cargo coverages trucking for hire industry. We can consider all weight classes– emphasis on Tractor/Trailer, Dry & Refrigerated Goods, Bulk Commodity Haulers, Intermodal, Garbage/Waste Haulers, Agricultural including Livestock, Flat Bed – Construction Goods/Equipment.
$100,000 - $250,000 Limits available
Trailer Interchange
Deductibles $1000-5000
Important underwriting points are:
Please use our Motor Carrier Physical Damage and Cargo application.
Local, Intermediate, Regional, Nationwide
Small (1-20) and large fleet (20+)
All new drivers must be reported to and approved by us, prior to hire
New ventures OK with experience
Program will consider Standard, Preferred and Non-Standard Risk Types
International (MX) driver licenses acceptable
Be prepared to furnish loss runs
Extra hazardous commodities such as ammonia nitrate, fuel, hazardous chemicals, liquid asphalt
Coal haulers
Mobile home/House movers
Crushed autos, junk, salvage haulers
Logging operations
Any risk with power units over 30 years in age (except for local 100 mile radius)
Public Auto/Livery
How can we help?
Cox Specialty Markets
80 Troy Town Dr. Troy,
Ohio 45373
Contact Us
Telephone: (800) 648-0357
Fax: (877) 311-6887
All Rights Reserved | COX SPECIALTY MARKETS | MS General Agency Inc. dba Cox Specialty Markets. MS General Agency, Inc. dba Cox Specialty Markets is an Ohio corporation.
In California, MS General Insurance Agency Inc License #6001015
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